The Best Greenhouses for Winter

Looking to Prepare a Cold Weather Greenhouse?

Our greenhouses are designed for year-round growing, with specific consideration given to insulation and maximizing solar intake. 

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Check out our FREE resources below on topics related to growing and maintaining winter greenhouses.

Featured Blogs on How to Prepare a Winter Greenhouse

5 Essential Tips to Prepare Your Backyard Greenhouse for Cold Weather Cultivation

If you’re greenhouse grower and want to maintain production, even as the days get colder and darker, you’re probably thinking about ways you can run your backyard greenhouse without breaking the bank. To help with this goal, we have provided five key strategies for preparing your greenhouse for those harsh winter months. 

LEDs for winter greenhouse

5 Strategies for Maximizing Your Commercial Greenhouse Efficiency in Winter

As winter approaches, commercial growers must adapt their operations to maintain growing temperatures and productivity during the shorter, colder days.  Fortunately, there are sensible, cost-effective methods to keep your greenhouse both warm and well-lit. This blog explores five effective strategies to prepare your greenhouse for optimal performance during the colder months.

greenhouse in the snow

3 Ways to Heat Your Greenhouse for Free This Winter

The smarter and more sustainable way of creating a stable year-round greenhouse is to capture excess solar energy entering in during the day, store it and then use it at night. An additional approach is to add an efficient heater that uses cheap and/or renewable fuels. These strategies take understanding and research, and have some upfront cost, but the pay-back in terms of year-round growing and long-term savings is well worth it.

Growing Year-Round in Ottawa, CA

Ottawa is an extremely difficult climate to grow in because it’s in a winter-like climate for nine months out of the year. With a Ceres greenhouse, Greenshaus Inc. has created a productive growing environment and established a farm-to-table culture in a town where most of the produce is shipped in from thousands of miles away.

school greenhouse desoign

Ceres Passive Solar Design Philosophy

Learn more about what makes Ceres’ Greenhouses so incredibly resilient. Whether you are looking for a backyard greenhouse for winter, or a productive commercial greenhouse, our designs will allow you to meet your growing goals. 

A Geothermal Greenhouse Solution

Even if you aren’t in the market for a greenhouse. Our patented geothermal ground-to-air heat transfer system can help your existing greenhouse work more efficiently, year-round. 

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