Commercial Modular Greenhouses

Our Commercial Modular series of greenhouses are perfect for the large-scale commercial grower, research institution, or commercial lab. With modular capabilities, headhouses, and multiple grow rooms, these greenhouses serve the purpose of large-scale, or diversified, production.

All commercial modular greenhouses are constructed with steel framing, Insulated Metal Panels (IMPS), and the choice of glazing material.

SunChamber Commercial Modular Greenhouse

Why Headhouses?

These non-glazed attached structures are used for purposes such as processing, storage, cleaning, etc. Most growers find they need extra space for all of their non-growing needs. Custom sizing is available.  

headhouse options- commercial modular greenhouse

Why Modular Greenhouses?

Ceres’ unique modular greenhouse design allows for easy expansion. Greenhouses and headhouses can be built in phases and configured in many different ways, so you can continuously add on to your greenhouse based on your needs and site conditions. The benefits of a commercial modular design include: uninterrupted workflow, biosecurity, staggered harvests, and individual control of each grow environment.
Understanding greenhouse modularity

Commercial Modular Greenhouse Options

The following page of greenhouses list headhouse dimensions, for greenhouse sizing information view our HighYield™ Kits, as each greenhouse component of our commercial modular kits are made up of HighYield™ Kits. 

If you are looking for a sealed grow environment (no air exchange between inside and outside environment), then check out our SunChamber™, and note that ANY commercial modular greenhouse can be turned into a SunChamber™.

*Length depends on number & spacing of greenhouse for all modular greenhouse options.

neptune commercial modular
Headhouse Dimensions:
Width: 30'
Eave height: 10', 12', 14'
Peak height: 16', 18', 20'
saturn commercial modular
Headhouse Dimensions:
Width: 30', 40', 60'
Eave height: 16', 18', 20'
Peak height: depends on width
jupiter commercial modular
Headhouse Dimensions:
Width: 30', 40', 60'
Eave height: 10', 12', 14'
Peak height: Depends on width
apollo commercial modular
Headhouse Dimensions:
Width: 30', 40', 60'
Eave height: 10', 12', 14'
Peak height: Depends on width
Corridors: 3
zeus commercial modular
Headhouse (2) Dimensions:
Width: 30', 40', 60'
Eave height: 10', 12', 14'
Peak height: Depends on width
Corridors: 1

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Ceres Greenhouse Options

Commercial Modular Technology

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Commercial Modular FAQs

Ceres will deliver and construct in the the US and Canada. Contact us for a shipping cost estimate.

We provide custom quotes for all commercial greenhouses, with consideration to the unique climate and growing considerations of each structure. 

Below are rough estimates of cost:

  • US$58-US$68/SF for a 3,000sqft modular greenhouse facility = Base materials kit, includes steel frame, insulated metal panels, glazing, SunSense™ Controller

    US$95-US$130/SF = Complete vented structure – Ceres provided materials, including but not limited to evaporative cooling, GAHT®,  heaters, dehumidifiers, SunSense™ controller, LED grow lights, irrigation, complete engineering, and construction documentation.

Please contact us for a detailed quote or free consultation about your project.

Our greenhouses and headhouses (indoor areas for plant processing, administrative work, storage, etc.) are modular by design, this allows for expansion at a later time. The corridor-connected designs are probably a better option if you think you might expand later, as construction will not disrupt existing operations.  

Please let Ceres know ahead of time if you are considering future expansion. This will allow our engineers to prepare for this potential from the onset, which will save time and money.

The specific environmental control systems and controller chosen will directly impact the crop quality. It is additionally important to keep in mind that the complexity of the control system should match the complexity of the environmental control solutions chosen.

Our modular greenhouse kits are specifically designed to work with our SunSense™ controller for the most energy efficient and high yielding production.

Ceres also offers comprehensive data analysis packages to optimize yields, and therefore profits. These control systems will range in cost. Contact us for more info.

Yes, we work with growers and businesses all over the world. Our modular greenhouse plans can be applied to greenhouses in any location. We customize and integrate appropriate climate controls for your greenhouse to optimize performance for year-round growing in your climate.

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